Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Anne - "Tell me about your faith."

A story of a woman named Anne...
Recently, there was an individual named Anne who got in contact with me... Anne is a very educated and successful business woman. A wonderful mother dedicated to her home and community. In the course of our discussion, I asked her: "Anne... Tell me about your faith." She paused for a moment, a little surprised and shaken by my question, and said: "No one has asked me about my faith for a very long time." From that moment on, as if it were the first time sharing, Anne talked openly about her faith. Amazingly, after a couple of more conversations, Anne has 'come back full circle' to her faith. She has started attending church again; and, she has expressed a grateful heart to God - thanking me for praying for her and encouraging her to regain her life back through her faith in Jesus Christ. The following is an email she recently wrote me. I have shared with her about cultivating Eden's Edge Church; and, her response is a great source of inspiration and encouragement to us and what we are to be about as a church..... Listen!.... Everyone!!... Right outside our church doors... thousands of individuals are right there!... THEY ARE RIGHT THERE!!! Just like Anne... waiting for someone to ask: "Tell me about your faith."
I hope you are blessed by reading the following. I pray it challenges us to get back to where we belong - A heart for people just like Anne!

I wanted to get back to you sooner on this, but it turned out to be a busy week. Eden’s Edge Church is inspirational. I can see why everyone is interested. I feel certain that God wants all of His children to understand that there is not only redemption, but healing. If God is calling you to give this message to others, then you need to listen carefully to everything that He needs you to know.

“For years I have tried to hide my hurt by declaring myself fiercely independent. I didn’t need anyone. Not my father; he abandoned me. Not my mother; she hurt me. Not my husband; he never knew me. How hard it must have been for God to watch me continue to fall, but knowing that without pain, I would never learn or be willing to depend on him completely. I closed the door to love because I thought that I was not lovable. All the time desperately wanting to be loved, but never allowing anyone close enough for fear that they would confirm my unworthiness. “

God did not intend for me to go through the pain, nor did he intend for Adam and Eve to live outside the garden. God created the Garden of Eden as a home for his children to enjoy. He provided for their needs, asking that they take care of their home and obey the rules that were designed to keep them safe from harm. Adam and Eve made the choice to live outside the garden and that choice came with consequences, but God was still willing to offer them redemption and healing.

“I wanted a relationship with God, but I wanted it on my terms. I didn’t give him my whole heart and allow him to heal my soul. What an amazing realization; love was there all along, all I had to do was open the door and invite him in. I never really understood why so many people cried at youth camp when they ask Jesus into their heart. I ask him into my life, but never into my heart. I understand now and the tears of joy come freely, with that understanding.

For the last four years I have blamed God for my unhappiness. I couldn't understand why things went wrong. I thought I was following God and doing the right things. Now I can see that I wasn’t following God’s leading, I was trying to work things out on my own and hoping for his approval. I was following my timetable, not His.

God has certainly gotten my attention. Apparently He knew all along what my soul was seeking. He was just waiting for me to be ready and to cry out for his love to heal my broken heart, waiting patiently for me to be willing to depend on him, instead of myself. I realize now that He wants me to know him as more than my savior; he wants me to know him intimately as my father, my rescuer and my heart’s desire. I not only need to remember who I am and my relationship to him, I need to allow him to know me and heal me. “

We can no longer live in the garden as a consequence of sin, but God has offered us redemption and healing. He wants to know us intimately. He wants all his children to live at Eden’s edge, as close to him as possible.

A wise man wrote, “God would not give us the inspiration and ability to do something miraculous unless He was already placing the same desire in the hearts of others. It’s just a matter of when and where your paths cross that it will become a reality!”

I feel blessed that God has allowed our paths to cross. You have an amazing opportunity to lead others to Eden’s Edge. It is unlikely that the enemy will take this sitting down. I will be praying that God will keep you strong.



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