Sunday, September 5, 2010

A Good Word from my son Kyle

Dear Friends,
Allow me to spark a message of encouragement into your lives. Begin the next chapter of your life clean, with a fresh self image and a crystal perception of the outside world. Own each day that your eyes open with vivacity in your steps. Flow through your morning triumphant, gazing into the unknown world with confidence of you. Respect who you have become and honor that person, keep that persons head held high and let the people you see as you walk know, "I am who I am"
Over the past 3 months I explored many experiences of my past through my mind. The circumstances that I feared, the events that I wept from, the times that I hated, the times that brought happiness, and the times that I loved. These memories flew into my head fast, but in slow motion. I kept recollecting days at home, outside, at school, with friends... Then, I would look in a mirror and notice a different person from the boy in my memories. How old I looked and how mature I had become how changed, how altered, tall, real. I realized... It wasn't that I had become someone I didn't want to be, or I had changed so much I didn't recognize myself because of all those experiences; bad, good and the ugly,. I had just gained more of myself. All those events were growing adaptations of me! I had only become more of myself! Just as you, over the years, have become more of yourself.
Don't fear and or be discouraged by who you are. You may dislike choices or events in your life, but you are still yourself and you can control the days of the future!
Tomorrow! As you look in the mirror, don't distance yourself from the person staring back. Don't criticize, analyze, or belittle that person. Embrace that person. (don't be narcissistic but) Love that person because that person is YOU!
For some, tomorrow is going to throw us down fast and hard!! SO WHAT!!!..... Keep persevering for your passion. Don't let the weights of life hold you down. Spread your wings of hope and allow God's winds to raise you to an unfathomable height.
I wish you all a beautiful beginning!

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